NX70435 - ANDERSON, Roderic Henry, Maj.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX70435 - ANDERSON, Roderic Henry, Maj.

Nominal Roll details

Military Cross (MC)

"On 25 January, 1942, Major R H Anderson (Officer in Charge of "A" Company) occupied a position North of AYER HITAM cross roads. In a position approximately one mile north of his position the 2 LOYALS were in defence. The position occupied by Major Anderson's Company was approximately one and a half miles north of the Battalion base position, the connecting road being of the causeway type, with swamp to a width of 200 yds or more on both sides. The road intersected by the SUNGEI SEMBRONG over which a concrete bridge is constructed.

Under Major Anderson's direction intimate endeavours by the enemy to infiltrate, which commenced about 1230 hrs were dealt with and some of the attempts were made by a force estimated to be at least one Company. Subsequently the LOYALS were driven out of their position and placed under my command. I ordered that Unit to dispose one Company on the right of the Causeway Road and their remaining two Companys on the left of the road.

At 1645 hrs the enemy attacked with a strength estimated to be one Battalion and supporting arms. It became necessary to place the right Company of 2 LOYALS under Major Anderson's command and subsequently one further Company of 2 LOYALS was detached to stop this attack.

Major Anderson's skilful handling of this situation, particularly in view of the fact that he had under command three Companys undoubtedly saved the enemy from attacking the main Battalion base. Throughout this operation this officer displayed great courage and in visiting his various sectors, his personal bravery was of a particularly high order. His courage and bravery was later displayed during withdrawal from the position he occupied. The withdrawal was timed at last light, but before orders could be acted upon, an enemy force estimated to be one Company, attacked and successfully obtained the position held on the left flank. i.e. West of the Road by 2 LOYALS. This attack was supported by medium machine guns (MMGs) which were brought right forward under cover of darkness. One portion of the enemy force moved down the Causeway road while another force attempted to out flank our position on the East of the road by entering the swamp.

During the whole of this time enemy artillery and mortar fire was being directed towards our position and also the road. On his own initiative Major Anderson took control of the situation and enabled the withdrawal of both his own Company and 2 LOYALS to be carried out with very few casualties. In order to ensure that the position was clearly understood, this officer personally supervised the withdrawal of each party and finally was the last man to leave the position. Throughout the whole of this day, Major Anderson not only showed that he is possessed of personal bravery, but by his courage, leadership and efficiency was the means of defeating an enemy force considerably stronger than his own, and subsequently in the face of strong opposition withdrawing his force and 2 LOYALS with very few casualties.

I consider this officer's conduct merits reward and I recommend that he be awarded the Military Cross."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024