NX67447 - PURDON, Arthur Henry Maitland, WO1



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX67447 - PURDON, Arthur Henry Maitland, WO1

Nominal Roll details

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

"WO Purdon held the appointment of QMS in this unit during the Battle of GEMAS. In one operation on 13 January, 1942, this WO was the last to leave the scene of operations after the order to withdraw had been issued.

Despite the ***** small arms fire was being directed upon ************ this man showed exceptional courage and bravery *** ensure the evacuation of all wounded in the small amount of Motor transport available.

He is a thoroughly qualified first aid man and in that capacity was invaluable to the RMO. During the whole day of the battle he was occupied looking for and attending to the wounded and because of his capabilities he was thoroughly capable of handling wounded remaining at the end of the battle and arranging for their evacuation by motor transport.

This man has distinguished himself by his courage in taking ration parties forward daily throughout the action on the mainland. Despite in many instances severe bombing and shelling he always succeeded in getting his ration truck through to the forward troops. His gallantry on these occasions has made him renowned throughout the unit, a renown to which I personally subscribe.

He has performed many individual acts of bravery in addition to the exceptional courage and devotion to duty shown by him in the instances related in the forgoing.

I strongly recommend that Warrant Officer Purdon be awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) (Citation in Service Record)

Army No. NX67447
Rank WO 1
NAME PURDON Arthur Henry Jason (Mason)
UNIT 2/30 Bn AIF
NEXT OF KIN Mrs. AH,J, PURDON (Wife) 26 Lindsay Street, EAST MAITLAND

During AIF operations in MALAYA, the 2/30 Bn AIF was attacked on 16 Jan 42 in the area of GEMAS by an overwhelming enemy force in a number of positions. In these withdrawal operations, WO PURDON RQMS 2/30 Bn was the last person to leave the battlefield. He remained behind to ensure the evacuation of wounded. He showed exceptional gallantry by repeatedly assisting wounded personnel while subject to heavy small arms and mortar fire from enemy in close contact at short range.

WO PURDON consistently distinguished himself by his courage in taking ration parties forward daily despite severe bombing and shelling and he always succeeded in getting through to the most forward troops.

At all times during the whole of the operations in which his unit participated WO PURDON showed exceptional courage and devotion to duty under heavy enemy fire.


(Source: NAA: B883 NX67447)



Last updated  04/06/2024