NX58219 - GLOVER, Leslie Clive, L/Cpl.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX58219 - GLOVER, Leslie Clive, L/Cpl.

Nominal Roll details

Military Medal (MM)

"L/Cpl. Glover is a Company Orderly trained in Intelligence work who has carried out his duties in a courageous and fearless manner ever since this unit went into action. The information obtained by him at different times has been vital and in the operation of withdrawing from the Causeway, it is doubtful whether it would have been successfully carried out but for the information obtained by L/Cpl. Glover.

It was known that an Indian Battalion (Baluchis) had come into position on the right of "D" Company of this unit and that earlier in the morning they had been organised for a counter attack along the SUNGEI MANDAI at the same time as the enemy attacked my "D" Company's position.

After half an hour's fighting it became apparent that the enemy was trying to outflank the Company position and information regarding the exact position of the Baluchis became essential. The information that the Baluchis were NOT in position but had withdrawn East along Mandai Road was obtained by L/Cpl. Glover who to obtain it, had to proceed under very heavy machine gun (MG) fire. The severity of the fire can be judged from the fact that later a truck containing 4 machine guns (MGs) had to be abandoned by the 2/4 Machine Gun Battalion after a Sgt. had been killed trying to get the guns out.

Apart from this action, L/Cpl. Glover's initiative and devotion to duty at all times during the Battalion's operations have been of a very high standard, showing courage and efficiency of a very high order.

I recommend that he be awarded the Military Medal."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024