NX37497 - McDONALD, Frank, Pte.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX37497 - McDONALD, Frank, Pte.

Nominal Roll details

Military Medal (MM)

"At GEMAS during the ambush action, this man, who is a stretcher bearer, went to the aid of two fellow stretcher bearers who were cut off on the far side of the road where they had been posted to watch the track prior to the action starting. The enemy commenced machine gun fire covering this track and Pte McDonald, noticing the predicament of those two men and also the fact that they were both wounded, silenced this machine gun (MG) with a grenade and then attended to their wounds. This completed, he then moved down the road through dangerous enemy crossfire to dress the wounds of two badly wounded men and in getting to one of them, had to bayonet two of the enemy who blocked his way. On his return to the main position through the jungle he successfully got his wounded in - a trip of over three miles though he had been slightly wounded himself.

After the Company rejoined the Battalion and was engaged by the enemy at the main GEMAS position this man went out in the face of very heavy enemy fire to see if he could locate 6 of the men of his Company who were......(unreadable)......returning from the ambush. He was afraid they might......(unreadable)......and that it might be possible......(unreadable)......

In trying to locate them this man was cut off by the advancing enemy and did not succeed in rejoining his Company which had withdrawn......(unreadable)......for several days.

I regard this mans courage and devotion to duty......(unreadable)......

I recommend that he be awarded the Military Medal.

[Remainder of this record damaged beyond recovery. However the citation above was recommended by Lt/Col. Galleghan Command 2/30 Bn.]"

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024