NX36791 - HECKENDORF, Erwin Ernest, Sgt.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX36791 - HECKENDORF, Erwin Ernest, Sgt.

Nominal Roll details

Military Medal (MM)

"In the action at SIMPANG RENGAM on 27 January, 1942, Sgt. (then L/Cpl) Heckendorf, acting as Intelligence Corporal, was conspicuous by his courage and efficiency in his task of leading two "B" Company platoons to the assistance of "D" Company, who were being hard pressed by approximately one enemy Battalion.

Throughout the task, Heckendorf was under heavy fire and despite the scanty information available he was successful in leading the Company into position. This action is indicative of Heckendorf's courage and unstinted service throughout all the engagements in which this Battalion took part, exemplified by the fact that he had twice previously been cut off behind the enemy lines while on recce of a dangerous nature, returning ***

********************** Military Medal."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024