NX36285 - GARNER, Donald Francis, A/U/WO2



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX36285 - GARNER, Donald Francis, A/U/WO2

Nominal Roll details

Military Medal (MM)

"On 14 February, 1942 when the Battalion occupied a position at TYERSALL Palace area, this NCO, acting as Company Sergeant Major (CSM), was wounded in the back but despite his wound continued on duty. On account of shortage of officers, this duty was the recce and organisation of an alternate position for the Company to occupy, which was necessary owing to the very heavy shelling which had set fire to oil and buildings.

Sgt. Garner, showing commendable efficiency, organised this position and not until the company had been thoroughly settled down in it did he visit the Regimental Aid Post (RAP), and even then returned to duty.

Previously at the Causeway in an earlier action, this NCO volunteered to carry a seriously wounded man through an Artillery barrage to the RAP situated about ½ mile distant. There is no doubt this action saved the life of the *** be awarded the Military Medal."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024