NX32594 - GEIKIE, Nugent Broun Coulston, Lt.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX32594 - GEIKIE, Nugent Broun Coulston, Lt.

Nominal Roll details

Military Cross (MC)

"In the fighting at GEMAS on 14/15 January, 1942, Lieut. Geikie was in command of a Platoon of "B" Company, forward ambush Company. After a very large number of enemy had been killed by the ambush troops, enemy troops that had been allowed to pass returned to the scene of ambush and attacked the Company from the flank, the battle becoming one of very severe hand to hand fighting.

The brunt of this hand to hand fighting fell on Geikie's Platoon and he personally led several bayonet charges, inflicting severe casualties on the enemy (all killed) for no serious casualties in his own platoon. After clearing up the situation on his own front he observed another Platoon in difficulties and again led a bayonet charge by which the enemy party was successfully eliminated.

This example of personal leadership, particularly in the unit's first encounter with the enemy not only indicates bravery and courage on the part of Geikie but was also an inspiring example to the whole of his Company.

This officer's courage was later again evident when in the Causeway operations on 9 February, 1942 he led a patrol (all armed with automatic weapons) which was to prevent further enemy landings. This patrol was highly successful and only by Lieut. Geikie's example and leadership, particularly his example going in rear of the enemy using his `Tommy Gun'. Not only did this ***** all enemy that had landed but inflicted severe casualties on them while they were still in boats. I have no doubt that the courage of this officer materially helped towards the success of his patrol.

I consider that the personal bravery and courage shown by Lieut. Cooper on these two occasions fully merits the decoration of the Military Cross."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024