NX12530 - COOPER, James Herbert, Lt.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX12530 - COOPER, James Herbert, Lt.

Nominal Roll details

Military Cross (MC)

"On 25 January, 1942, Lieut. Cooper's Platoon was with "A" Company North of AYER HITAM cross roads. His Platoon occupied the right flank position which subsequently became the main enemy objective. This platoon was attacked by two small enemy parties which were subsequently all killed and later a force estimated at not less than one Company attacked Cooper's platoon.

By his skilful handling of the situation and the use of Sections to prevent being outflanked, the enemy were prevented from getting any closer than 120 yds from our position. I consider Cooper's courageous leadership caused the enemy to pause in his attack, and subsequently a force of one Battalion used was unable to dislodge the forward force of the Unit.

Later at SIMPANG RENGAM on 30 January, 1942 a superior force attacked my right rear Company and Lieut. Cooper, from another Company, was ordered to attack and hold off the enemy's fire till I could dispatch the further two platoons of his Company. He attacked the enemy from a flank, leading his Platoon with courageous dash and vigour, causing them to retire at least 150 yds, which gave time for our position to be reorganised to withstand the subsequent attack, which was made by a Battalion.

In both these instances Lieut. Cooper showed bravery, courage and skill well beyond what would be expected of any officer doing his job and I consider he should be awarded the Military Cross, which I recommend."

(Source: originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  04/06/2024