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2/30 Battalion A.I.F. Association
Minutes of the Central Executive Meeting held in the Sergeants Mess, Changi Gaol at 1030 hrs on 22nd October, 1944.


Present: Lt. Col. F.G. Galleghan D.S.O., E.D., Maj. N. McG. Johnston, Capt. Howells, Sgts. Heckendorf, Eather, Garner, Rickwood, O'Donnell, Cpls. Hall, Jackson, Evans, Sgt. Ellis.
Chairman: Lieut. J. Cooper

The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th October, 1944 were read and confirmed.

Mr Cooper explained that after discussing his original insurance scheme with the men of the unit he felt that they would prefer to pay an extra levy for insurance and to have it deducted from Amenities. He therefore circularised the C.S.M.'s with this scheme referred to as No.1 Scheme. Scheme No.2, prepared by other members of the Executive and the C.S.M.'s, allowing for the financing of the Insurance Fund from existing Amenities Fund at the rate of 1c per man per working day. Both schemes were then read to the meeting.

It was resolved that at future meetings of the Central Executive, W.O.1 Purdon in his capacity as Adm. Comd. 2/30 Battalion be invited to attend.

District Representatives advised that the two Insurance Schemes had been put to the men on parade and that they were in favour of having Scheme No.2 adopted.

W.O. Purdon advised that he would have the sum of 1c per man per working day paid into the Association Hospital Insurance Fund.

It was resolved that with the concurrence of W.O. Adm. Comd. that the Association collect contributions as outlined in Scheme No.2, and that such collections be devoted to the Association Hospital Insurance Fund to raise pay of men to $4. Such collections be further augmented by raffles, sweeps etc. at the discretion of Central Executive. Distribution of any fund surplus to monthly commitments to be at the direction of the Association President.

A vote of thanks was passed to Sergeant L. Brown for his donation of $5 prize for the first raffle.

Consideration of any plans for the celebrations of the 2/30 Battalion Anniversary were deferred to a meeting to be held on 5 November 1944. In the interim Lt. Col. Galleghan promise to make inquiries as to what would be allowed by our hosts.

Meeting closed at 1230 hrs

C.S. O'Donnell

Lieut. J. Cooper

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