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Circular No. 120
February/March, 1957

Official Organ of 2/30th Bn. A.I.F. Assn


Dear Dig,

Arnold Ainsworth has just acquired a new house in the A.C.T. His address is now Yarralumla. Arnie writes that the unofficial name of his house is Yasme and he intends to take a long Yasme now that he is permanently settled.

Friends of Jim Walshe will be delighted to hear that he is engaged to be married soon. The Association wish him a very happy marriage and a happy year.

Latest Life Member is your friend Vernon Baynes of Lidcombe. Vernon has been in indifferent health for some time now and we hope that this year will be a better one for him.

Our country reporter Ashley Pascoe sent us a cutting from the "Northern Star" of Lismore giving notice that Ossie Jackson has been elected as a Councillor to the Byron Bay Shire. This is Ossie's first attempt at Local Government representation and in the opinion of our members there are few who could more worthily represent a district than old Ossie. Ossie lives at Binna Burra near Bangalow where he runs a business of his own.

It was a great pleasure to receive a letter from Alex Campbell of H.Q. Coy. Alex lost touch with us some years ago when he took over several teaching appointments in the country but he has since been transferred to Enfield school, a few minutes from his home at Croydon.

Alex has dropped cricket now or as he writes "cricket has dropped me", and he has reverted to his other pastime of fishing. Alex has discovered, to his alarm, that a quiet evening at home with slippers and a book has become normal routine and his social contacts have therefore been reduced to a minimum. He intends to do something about it however, and will be present at the next General Meeting and Reunion. Alex was very popular in the Unit and it will be good to see him again.

Jack Lonie has left Goodyear Tyre Company and has bought a mixed business. No other details to hand but Jack should do well in a business where business depends a lot on shopkeeper customer relationship.

Les Hall spent a holiday on the North Coast recently and at Taree had an unofficial reunion with Harry Griffis, Lyall Powys, Harry Hogan, and Fred Abbotts. The boys made a great fuss of Les and he enjoyed the stay at Taree immensely.

Ernie Stratford and his wife had a new baby towards the end of last year. Ernie as you know is not a very big man but he threw his chest well out after the arrival of another son. Ernie lives up Mullumbimby way, close to Alf Jones.

Harry Riches has married and is living quietly and happily at Mullumbimby. Harry has retired from his job at Brisbane and is living near his son who has a farm of his own. Before leaving Brisbane the lads gave a dinner for Harry to wish him happiness in his new life. Association members all wish Harry and his wife a long life and a happy one. There are too few people around like Harry; he regards all people as his friends and they respond by wanting to be friends with him. We haven't seen him for years but we do hope that he can find time within the next couple of years to come down to one of our reunions.

January 14th Gemas Day. About forty five members assembled in front of the Cenotaph at 1.30 p.m. on January 14th and assisted the Old Man to place a wreath there in memory of our Fallen Comrades.

Dr. Rowley Richards, President of the 2/15th Field Regiment Association placed a wreath in memory of the Regimental Fallen. It was a very simple ceremony but a moving one and it was fitting that the 2/15th Field who share our battle honours should have been present with us. The 2/15th boys included John Hogan, Skippy Maher, Mick Petchell, Ken Moulton, John Fulton and Des Makepiece. Des Makepiece was in the forward 0. Pip at Gemencheh on 14th January, 1942.

During the day the Old Man received a telegram of remembrance from Dr. Rogers of Tasmania. The Doctor was closely associated with the Old Man through his early reports of the conditions in Thailand-Burma in 1943.

January 14th was a great day for us and a great day for the building of an Australian Tradition. If you are in Sydney any year make a point of attending this ceremony.

Annual General Meeting - The Twelfth Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at the Eastern Restaurant (The Chows) at Dixon Street, on Friday, March 29th commencing about 8.00 p.m. If you intend to have dinner in town come along to the top floor of the restaurant and enjoy it in the company of your friends. Mr. Lee cooks a nice plate of rice and liquid refreshments are available. We can promise you a night to remember at the Annual Meeting if you attend the dinner. There is nothing like it in Sydney.

The Annual Meeting is growing in popularity as one of the most enjoyable of our functions. A good meal, the company of friends and a glass of ale all go to make for good memories. Added to that there is a growing interest in the affairs of the Association and the manner in which its business is conducted. Members have the opportunity at the Annual General Meeting of assisting the Committee by bringing forward ideas for the betterment of the Association. Remember the date Friday, March 13th.

Proposal for a Memorial Cairn at Bathurst. The Committee received a suggestion some time ago that a memorial cairn be erected at Bathurst to commemorate the departure of the Unit for Overseas. The site of the proposed Cairn to be at the old entrance to the camp on the Limekilns Road. It is suggested that the local R.S.L. should be asked to care for the Cairn. That is the proposal which has been received by the Committee and has been fully discussed by them. We do not propose to influence members in any way but deliver the matter for your consideration. The matter will be discussed and decided upon at the Annual General meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting and if you have strong feelings, either way, on the subject could you please drop me a line and your comments will be brought forward at the Annual General Meeting.

Subscriptions. The Committee has not harassed you for your subscriptions for a long time but feels that members who have been lagging in the payment of the 5/- subs should now take action and send a postal note or cheque to the Treasurer. You know that on the 1st January any subs you pay will be credited to the present year so if you are two or three years behind in your subscriptions your have no need to worry. However, we do request that you pay your 5/- subs now, that is this month for if you put it off you will forget to pay. The Committee are working hard for your interests and it is their pride that we keep a vigorous and growing association.

Over the last few months we have increased our membership very handsomely but if one member lags behind for three or four years with the payment of his subs the inference is that he may have lost interest in the receipt of the Makan. We do not think this is so and we do not want to lose one member. Help the Committee to keep our finances straight by paying your fees if they are due. Why not send a cheque for ten bob and cover yourself for a couple of years. Don't forget to make all cheques and postal notes payable to R.E. Ellis.



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