Letter - 5/8/1943
“C” Group AIF
5 Aug 43
HQ AIF Changi POW Camp
This is to cerify that after return to CHANGI on 23 Jul 42 from a SINGAPORE working party PTE MELROSE worked as a Gp 2. Spec (carpenter) from 24 Jul 42 with composite Inf Gp till return of all tps from SINGAPORE after which he rejoined 2/30 Bn and carried on the work with that unit until tferred to No 2 Con Depot on 12 Apr 43.
Signed F A JONES Capt 2/30 Bn AIF
2/30 Bn AIF
6 Aug 43
HQ AIF Changi POW Camp
Recommendation for Gp2 Spec (Carpenter)
It is hereby recommended that the abovenamed soldier be made a Gp 2 Specialist (Carpenter).
Prior to his arrival in MALAYA Pte MELROSE was recommended as a Gp 2 specialist but no official confirmation of this appointment was ever received by 8 Div 2nd Echelon.
Ever since Pte MELROSE has beena POW he has carried out the duties of a Gp 2 Spec particularly since he was attached to 2 Con Depot whrer he must be complimented on the exceptionally hard work he has done assisting in the manufacture of artificial limbs for the limbless aptients of the AIF.
This work was first started in Feb 43 & Pte MELROSE has been assisting since the beginning under the supervision of WO1 A H PURDON (RSM 2/30 Bn) who states that MELROSE is an exceptionally fine assistant, his appointment being a very deserving one indeed.
2 Ech – to be retained with records of Pte MELROSE
6 Aug
? Head ?
Have this placed in Melroses’ records and a copy in Pay records. I recommend that Melrose be paid Gp 2 specialst pay during his period as PW and endorse the above commendation regarding his work.
F G Galleghan
Cmd A.I.F. Malaya Lt Col
NX70513 - JONES, Frederick Arnold (Bill), Capt. - C Company, 2 l/c
NX77712 - MELROSE, Leslie David (Les), Pte. - HQ Company, Signals Platoon
NX70416 - GALLEGHAN, Frederick Gallagher (Black Jack), Lt. Col. - BHQ, CO. 2/30 Bn