2/30 Battalion Photo Gallery Nominal Roll Database

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The ambush at Gemencheh Bridge
AWM caption reads:

The ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, 14th January 1942

An ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, in Singapore on 14 January 1942. In this ambush, which lasted 36 hours, over 1000 Japanese were killed and less than 50 Australians were killed and wounded. This action was the first time that the Australian soldiers fought the Japanese. In this work, Griffin has depicted war in all its brutality and futility. The wounded and dead Japanese, with the twisted metal of bicycles lying amongst, them continue into the background and display the full horror of war.

[url=http://www.awm.gov.au/copyright/#awm]© Australian War Memorial[/url]
Keywords: 100105c

The ambush at Gemencheh Bridge

AWM caption reads:

The ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, 14th January 1942

An ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, in Singapore on 14 January 1942. In this ambush, which lasted 36 hours, over 1000 Japanese were killed and less than 50 Australians were killed and wounded. This action was the first time that the Australian soldiers fought the Japanese. In this work, Griffin has depicted war in all its brutality and futility. The wounded and dead Japanese, with the twisted metal of bicycles lying amongst, them continue into the background and display the full horror of war.

© Australian War Memorial

20121111039.jpg 20121111040.jpg 20121111041.jpg 20121111042.jpg ART24500.jpg
File information
Album name:makan / Gemencheh Bridge
Notes:© Australian War Memorial
Source:From the collection of the Australian War Memorial. ID Number: ART24500
Filesize:73 KiB
Date added:Jan 07, 2006
Dimensions:320 x 425 pixels
Displayed:288 times
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