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Makan No. 98
1st January, 1955


Dear Dig,

Now that we have commenced the New Year we would like to inform you that we are having difficulty in gathering news for the Makan and hope that you may be able to help us out. During the past few years the increase in the number of Life Members has reduced our mail by that number of letters per year as Life Members no longer pen us a few lines with an annual subscription.

Will you country members write at least once every two years as you are the people of whom news is scarce, the city folk meeting one another frequently.

Those members who are not Life Members are urged to help us by sending their annual subscription of 5/- as soon as possible with a news item or two. Remember that others are interested in your movements and progress even though they may seem commonplace to yourself.

The functions to be held this year will include the laying of a wreath on the Cenotaph on January 14th, the Anzac Day March, Annual General Meeting and Annual Reunion. A decision as to the holding of the Annual Ball will be made by the Committee and you will be informed in the Makan following the Committee Meeting. Due to the rapid increase in descendants of the 2/30th Bn. A.I.F. attendance has dropped off over the last few years at the Annual Ball.

The first function of the year is one at which we hope for a good attendance. It will be the annual Commemoration of Fallen Comrades and will take the form of a simple wreath laying at the Cenotaph in Martin Place. Assembly is on the steps of the G.P.O. before half past one and the wreath will be placed on the Cenotaph at 1.30 p.m. on Friday, January 14th. Will you mark the time and date on your calendar as time will not permit telephone reminders? Our comrades of the 2/15th Field Reg. will be associated with the ceremony as usual.

Kevin Ward of A. Coy has printed copies of the official "A" Company photograph, which was taken at Batu Pahat. If you desire a copy of this photograph, and it was a very good one, telephone Kevin at the Sydney Technical College where he works on the switchboard or write him direct at his home address at East Bankstown. The cost of the photograph will be nominal as Kevin has been able to have them printed at a very reasonable rate. The packaging and posting of the photographs will be some trouble for Kevin and we are grateful for his generous gesture.

Jack Boss has shifted into his new home at Hunter's Hill, opposite the playing fields of St. Joseph's College. It is a lovely home and has the additional attraction of being close to his father-in-law's house, Mr. Reg. Ellis, whom Jack naturally calls Dad.

Bob Jack of C. Coy, is very proud of his first baby boy which arrived recently, his first baby being a daughter. Both mother and baby are well but that's more than Bob will be if he ever repeats his performance of ringing his numerous friends immediately he received the good news. The news came through at half-past one in the morning.

Alan Penfold of Seaforth, recently spent a holiday at Hay in the sheep, kangaroo and Emu country. When Alan goes on holidays he usually contacts 2/30th men in the district or their next-of-kin if they are deceased. This holiday was no exception and he found a brother of Eddie Whitteron of the band, and he told Alan that his family had never been told any details of Eddies death, where or how. The only information received was the official telegram about three weeks after we got home -- weeks of great distress to the mother, who died shortly afterwards. Eddie died of malaria and dysentery on 10/6/43, I think in F. Force. A lot of chaps must have been around Eddie when he died. Will you drop a line to his brother direct? The address is W. Whitteron, C/- Morgan & Co., Hay.

Alan also met two brothers of your deceased friend Cpl. Rupe Hanna and in Melbourne met George Clarke and his wife, who are still rejoicing at the birth of their first child, a daughter. Alan just missed Phil Schofield, who was up in the trout country inspecting a property for his Bank. The trout season had just opened.

Albert Hodge, ex A. Coy., is living in a Housing Commission home now at Gilgandra. Arthur has been in indifferent health for some time now, his chest being not all it should be. He is still in the Forestry Commission.

Tommy Grant of Mt. Burrell, Tweed River, is still an active member, but is scarce on the news.

We report very late in the piece that Dick Henderson and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy, probably about eight months old now. The note was received some time ago but was apparently mislaid.

All the best to you and yours for the forthcoming year from the Committee, and from the Old Man a special wish that you will all enjoy good health and that good fortune will come your way.



Please forward cheques, money orders and postal notes to Reg Ellis at Boronia Park. All money orders and postal notes to be made payable at the G.P.O. Sydney.

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