NX55561 - HALL, Leslie Gordon, Sgt.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX55561 - HALL, Leslie Gordon, Sgt.

Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

"At GEMAS on 14 January, 1942, soon after contact was made with the enemy, the Signal communication with the forward Company ("B" Company in ambush 2½ miles forward) was cut.

As communication with this Company was essential, Sgt. Hall with two other Signalmen was sent to repair the break. They were ambushed by an enemy patrol. They fought their way back, assisting the wounded man and later Sgt. Hall went out with two other Signalmen to patrol forward to the scene of the break and ascertain the enemy's strength.

It was ascertained that an enemy platoon was covering the break with two light machine guns (LMGs) in position astride the main road. Sgt. Hall showing great courage, tapped our cable at a point from where the enemy position could be observed and sent information in Morse, expressing a desire to continue.

I instructed him to return and as a result of the information, sent him out in charge of a patrol which also consisted of one Sgt. and two sections from a rifle Company, the whole being placed under Sgt. Hall's orders. Under the leadership of Hall, this party attacked the enemy with great dash, drove them back and inflicted most severe casualties, the papers of one enemy officer being obtained and sent back to Battalion HQ.

The example of Sgt. Hall's determination to restore communication and his personal bravery, courage and leadership was an inspiration to all the men under him (all of whom were fighting their first battle) and his devotion to duty even beyond that of his own job, was of the highest order not only on the afternoon of the main battle but also during the action the following day when contact was made with the enemy's main forces.

I have no hesitation in recommending that Sgt. L.G. Hall be awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for his bravery and courage."

(Source: 2/30 Bn. Archives - originally transcribed from the Diary of Brigadier D.S. Maxwell by The Army Museum Sydney Foundation in 1998.)


Last updated  24/08/2022