NX46176 - ABBOTTS, Frederick, A/U/Sgt.



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


War | Malaya | Singapore | Service with other Units | Battalion Movements | Order of Battle


NX46176 - ABBOTTS, Frederick, A/U/Sgt.

Nominal Roll details

Recommendation for Operational Award

"Here was another identity - picturesque, big, tough Fred Abbotts. One of the toughest men in the Unit, strong enough to be hit by bullets at Gemas and yet still carry a man out with him. Fred was a 1st World War man, born in the tradition of the Grenadier Guards, a good soldier through and through. He was a good P.O.W., too, which at times was very difficult.

A strong man all his life, he found it irksome to be limited in his capacity to work in the way he used to work before the war. Fred was a mighty man in his district and his passing was mourned by all the residents of Taree & visitors came for miles around to attend his funeral.

Fred was another of the identities of the Battalion. There were not many of them, but he was one and I don't recall any man ever saying one bad word about Fred.

Our sympathy to his wife and family and our hopes that they will realise that the 2/30th members will never forget their dear friend, Fred Abbotts."

(Source: Makan No. 163, August, 1964 & Galleghan's Greyhounds, page 392 (includes errata))


Last updated  31/08/2021