St. Andrew's College (St. Andrew's School)



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


POW | Surrender - 1942 | Singapore - from Feb.1942 | Burma -Thailand Railway | "A" Force | "B" Force | "C" Force | "D" Force | "E" Force | "F" Force | "G" Force | "H" Force | "J" Force | Singapore - from March, 1945 | Surrender - 1945

Arrived February 1942
Departed November, 1942

A party of 60 men under the command of NX36401 - Lt. George Hilton BROWN, was in a POW work party at St. Andrew's College, Serangoon Road, Singapore from February 1942 until November '42.

The group was similar to a Japanese Service Corps Unit, involved in breaking down bulk goods, located at the school.

In November, 1942, they were moved to River Valley Road Camp, then back to Changi.

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Last updated 29/08/2022