The Shrine Job (Fallen Warriors Shrine) - details



Introduction Training War Prisoner of War Return to Australia


POW | Surrender - 1942 | Singapore - from Feb.1942 | Burma -Thailand Railway | "A" Force | "B" Force | "C" Force | "D" Force | "E" Force | "F" Force | "G" Force | "H" Force | "J" Force | Singapore - from March, 1945 | Surrender - 1945

Location: MacRitchie Reservoir







In mid-1942, the Japanese Army decided to build a Shinto shrine, at the western end of MacRitchie Reservoir, near Sime Road, in the middle of Singapore Island.

The project consisted of a hill top Shinto shrine, granite steps leading up to the shrine, approach roads, and a small bridge over part of MacRitchie Reservoir. It was made to look like the Grand Shrine at Japan's most sacred site, Ise Jingu, at Ise in Japan.

Allied prisoners from camps at Adam Road, Caldecott Hill, Lornie Road, Mount Pleasant, and Sime Road worked on this job under the direction of the Yokoyama Engineering Regiment.

Mayor Odate performed the opening ceremony early in 1943, and senior Japanese Generals, Admirals, officials, businessmen, community leaders and priests were all in attendance.

Just before the surrender in 1945, the Japanese Army destroyed it.

(Sources: Syonan - My Story; Colour Patch)


Last updated 29/08/2022