British Empire Medal
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.)
Unit: 2/30 Bn.
Personal or Army No.: NX30290
Rank and Name: Corporal PLEWS, Cecil
"On May 17 a carrier overturned during tactical exercises, and pinned the crew underneath the vehicle. One man was killed. The petrol poured over some of the crew and the fumes threatened to suffocate one man. Cpl. Plews showed initiative and enterprise by immediately connecting the rubber tube of two gas masks and forcing them under the carrier thereby permitting the man to breathe fresh air. A considerable period elapsed before the crew could be released, and artificial respiration had to be applied to the man mentioned above. The action of Cpl. Plews undoubtedly saved this man's life. His work in other respects has always been of a very high standard.
(Sgd) H. Gordon Bennett.
Honour or Reward: Medal of Order of B.E. Mil. Div."
The award was approved by the King and officially granted on 8/1/1942.